Greetings WSSU students. My name is Amir Henry. I'm your police chief here at Winston-Salem State University. What I want you to know is that we are continuing to have conversations with the university about safety. We work very closely with our partners on campus to ensure we are creating a safe environment for all. Those partners include Emergency Management, Environmental Health and Safety, the Office of Community Standards and Civility, Housing, Counseling Services and Traffic Enforcement. We work with these partners because we want to ensure we are creating a safe environment for this community. The office on this campus does not only enforce North Carolina State laws and Forsyth County ordinance but are also dedicated to maintaining a safe environment for this community's collegiate experience. The officers who on this campus has some important things I would like to share with you in regards to maintaining your safety. While does assume that academics are the main concern on this campus, we find that students often become victims or participants of physical violence, dating violence, they have vehicle crash incidents, and drug use. The most common way you can take part in keeping our community safe is by speaking up. There are a plethora of ways to report suspicious activity in crimes. You may contact faculty or staff report to the RAVE Guardian app, call campus police or come by directly to the police and public safety building located behind Carolina Hall. In case of immediate emergency, please dial 336-750-2911 or find emergency call box near you. These are located throughout the entire campus property. What most students cherish and appreciate the university facilities as they would their own home. Majority police investigations are due to illegal activity, theft, residential disagreements and any other campus stress they may start or end in the residential halls. Remember to keep your personal property secure at all times. This may seem like an unnecessary reminder, but things often go missing on campus. Students have reported missing property such as clothing, food, electronics, academic materials, and other prohibited items. As surprising as it sounds, students leave their vehicles unlocked, which causes larceny and auto theft. We're dedicated into promoting a safe campus environment, but we encourage you to be cautious while on and off campus. Rather you decide to walk on campus or drive on campus. Remember to operate safely. No matter your age, race or gender. You could find yourself outnumbered. Stay with a friend. Remember your surroundings and also make sure someone knows where you are at all times. Whether you're in class, having a van or just walking around campus. Remember that safety starts with you. If at anytime you have questions please find us on the university website under Student Life or give us a call at 336-750-2900. Be aware of our daily crime and fire logs and all alerts issued to the campus community. Stay connected with us and we can create a safe campus together. We want each and every student to enjoy their time at WSSU. Just be safe. Keep your property safe, and speak up when necessary. There will be countless opportunities to make memories on this campus. But remember, no memory or good story should ever jeopardize your safety, your freedom or your future. Safety matters at WSSU. Safety matters at WSSU.